Sunday, August 21, 2016


A converstation with Dino

It was my first time seeing Seventeen in their Jakarta Fanmeeting yesterday.. I heard that they actually look so much more handsome and taller in real life, and it's true.. Seungcheol's hair was really pink, Woozi looked so cute, and the most memorable member for me was.. Lee Chan..

I'm not fluent in Korean but I do understand the language.. Anyway, I got a chance to take a picture together with Seventeen.. I trembled so hardㅋㅋ I really like Seungcheol so I wanted to take a picture next to him but I couldn't spot him.. So I just went like 'Ah whatever' and sat in the middle..

I turned my back and I guess I was the only one who turned my back at that time.. Dino looked me right in my eyesㅠㅠ And I just froze there like that for around 2 seconds, I'm sure he looked straight into my eyes!!!! He slightly smiled at me and I went blank, the words I've been practicing for months just flew away from my head as if they were nothing.. I wanted to ask him 'What did you eat to become this handsome?' but since I'm not fluent in Korean and I went blank, I couldn't interpret that to Korean.. But then, I started a converstation with him.

Me: Are you a human?
Dino: *nods* Yes, I am a human.
Me: I don't think so..
Dino: I'm really a human.
Me: You sure you're not an angel?
Dino: Nope.. I'm a human..
Jeonghan: *laughs* Hey, she said you're not a human (judging from his eyes, it's as if he was trying to say 'lol she said you're an angel lmao'ㅋㅋㅋ)
Me: No, you're not a human!
Staff: We're taking the picture!!
Me: *looks at the camera for 2 seconds and turns my back again*
Me: No.. You don't look like a real human..
Dino: *slightly laughs, looks like he's already tired of this converstation lol* No.. I'm a human..
Staff: Next please!!

And before I realized it, I passed by Mingyu and went 'Oh my god!!' in front of him (He was literally glowing, he looked at the eyes of every person who passed by him and said 'Nice to meet you!' He bent a little bit to match the fans' heights so I didn't get to see his real height.. Anyway, he was literally glowing, something like glittery idk hE WAS FREAKING GLOWING) and I went like 'You're so freaking handsome!!!!' in front of Wonwoo. It's a little bit regretful because I didn't get to talk to Seungcheol but the fact that I met Seventeen and took a picture together with them was like a miracle for me.. Because I don't know when will I able to see them again.. I wanted them to wish me a happy birthday since it's my birthday next week, but I totally forgot about it..

I really had fun yesterday.. I think I will remember this day for the rest of my life.. Dino-ya, ahㅠㅠ But why did I talk to him with honorifics.. We're the same age, though..

+I'm an Indonesian!ㅎㅎ And now that I've seen them in real life.. I feel.. really weird. I get teary and will choke on my tears whenever I listen to their songs or see videos of them.. Am I the only one who acts like this?ㅠㅠ They must be on their way to Bangkok now.. And that time, Jeonghan thought I was talking to him (he overheard the word 'angel' lol)ㅋㅋ My friend said that Jeonghan looked at me too, but I was too focused on Dino (I didn't even realize Woozi was right behind me and so did Soonyoungㅠㅠ)  And Hoshi was right behind me so I couldn't see his face!

And who said Jihoon was smallㅠㅠ I was so shocked when I see him because the height difference of us was really big.. He might looks like a baby from afar but when you see him closer, he's overflowing with his 'Oppa' vibes.. Sebong.. When will I be able to see you again.. I already miss youㅠㅠ 

views: 2,743

1. [+11][-0] Whoa.. You're a foreigner but your Korean is okay.. Anyway, congratulations for going to the fanmeeting!

2. [+3][-0] Does that mean the OP is not Korean? Are you a foreigner?

3. [+2][-0] I'm so jealous of youㅠㅠㅠㅠ But what does she mean by 'turning her back'? Anyone willing to explain this to me ? (I did a typo:( )
4. [+1][-0] So cuteㅋㅋ
5. [+1][-0] 'I'm a human..'ㅋㅋㅋ So cute.. And it must be really nice to talk to him!

6. [+1][-0] So cute~~ I was raised in a foreign country and Seventeen helps me a lot to learn Korean.. The fact that you got to talk to him itself is already amazing.. When I met Seventeen in real life, I forgot everything I wanted to say and all I did was stuttering..

7. [+1][-0] Are you a Korean who was born in Indonesia???

8. [+0][-0] You use slangs so I didn't think you're a foreigner.. Congratulations, and have a nice day!!^^

9. [+0][-0] Whoa.. This is so legendary..

10. [+0][-0] I see them everyday in my dream.. I dreamed of Jun and Seungcheol last night, they were hugging me and talking to me.. When will this become true..
11. [+0][-0] You wrote this post just fine, carat<3<3<3 
(GUESS WHO WROTE THIS. lol yes I wrote this on pann just for fun but it got on the best talk category, it ranked first lol im crying. anyway yes.. *lowkey praising myself* it was reeeeeeeeeeally nice to see them although I actually can't remember a single thing ;beside Chan's doing a sexy dance to Gangnam style, violent!cheol kicking him right in his butt bc of that, cheol doing a really low key, meanie moment, seungkwan posing as monas, jeonghan's laugh when i told chan that he was an angel and not a human -he laughed and slapped chan's shoulder softly while flipping his holy hair, i'm crying- annnnnd also the sufferings all of the fans went through to get into the venue. we were all singing to seventeen's songs to light up the mood and in the end we sang our national's anthem that made the polices laughed, and also those big-builded bodyguards who tried to cover seventeen so we can't take any pictures, ok this is the last one.. everyone was so quiet and i screamed my lungs out to call Seungcheol and he glanced to see the source of the voice and the person behind me told me i was being too loud lol. anw i had fun:( this might be my first time and also my last time to see them tho..)

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