Rich of Tangerines

Seungkwan and the other members sharing the tangerines that Seungkwan's father sent from Jeju with the reporters.

He personally distributed it despite the cold weather.

The Tangerine Boy who suddenly ran out of tangerines to share.

He looked uneasy and sorry because there were some reporters who didn't get the tangerines

Seungkwan gave us a surprise by giving these tangerines. He said "These are the tangerines that my father sent from Jeju. I brought it here so I can share it with the reporters but I didn't expect a lot of you coming so I didn't bring much. But I'm still going to share these with you". The tangerines gave me a lot of energy today.
Seventeen's Seungkwan, a 19 years old boy from Jeju who has a really kind heart.

-Seungkwan-ahㅠㅠ You're really kind and lovelyㅠㅠ
-Huk.. He's 19? He's really thoughtful..
-I'm 100% sure that Seungkwan is a fairy.. A Tinkerbell, maybe?
-He's so kind and cute..
-That's cuteㅋㅋㅋ Where did he get that basket from anywayㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Bboo-ya.. You're so lovely..ㅠㅠ
-He's so kind..ㅠㅠ All of Seventeen's members seem to be a really nice guy..
-That's so freaking cute..
-He's really kind.. Lovely Booㅠㅠㅠ I love you so muchㅠㅠ
-He's so cute.. I find him really likeableㅠㅠ
-10kg of those tangerines cost $17..
-He's really kind and handsome.. He has it all..
-The tangerines are really big..
-Seungkwan is younger than me..???
-I'm sure he's a fairy..ㅠㅠ
-I guess every families in Jeju have at least one tangerine tree..!
-Cutie Booㅠㅠ Everything he does is always cute and lovelyㅠㅠ
-I want one..
-Seungkwan is so friendly towards those reporters..
-This lovely guy right here is my biasㅠㅠㅠ
-I'm going crazy.. He's so cute..ㅠㅠ
-It's really cute how he looked confused when he found out that there were no tangerines left to shareㅋㅋㅋ