Sunday, July 10, 2016


The truth about Seventeen's fansites pt.2 (with proofs)

Firstly I want to apologize to the audience in YHY's Sketchbook recording, and those people who felt uncomfotable even by looking at the screen captures of the show. I will try hard so these kind of thing will never happen again in the future.

I first knew that Seventeen had a schedule on YHY's Sketchbook because of the previews that these fansites uploaded. They uploaded the previews of Seventeen on their way to YHY's Sketchbook and since then a lot of people knew that they were going to appear on YHY's Sketchbook and their new hairstyle. 

I'm going to give a feedback from the most shocking fansites (MacaronShu and Talent Boo)

Screen captures of MacaronShu and Talent Boo's converstation:

쿠키런 (KookieRun) = Talent Boo
The profile she sent = Seungkwan's father's kakao talk profile
Explanation: KookieRun = Talent Boo, she managed to have Seungkwan's father's phone number and shared his profile to another fans

쿠키런 (KookieRun) = Talent Boo
알수없음 (Unknown) = MacaronShu

KookieRun: *Basically, she complains because she couldn't park her car because there was no vallet service*
KookieRun: *Sends a picture of Seventeen's building dorm, she was in the cafe in front of their dorm*
KookieRun: This is what Sasaengs do f*ck
KookieRun: I made my own tent/stand in front of their dorm
The blue one: Ah you're crazyㅋㅋ
KookieRun: *Sends another picture*
Moon Junhui=Jun's Korean name
TalentBoo: ㅇㅇ-ya, tell me if the guys are back. JisooSungkwan.
TalentBoo: Where are you
The yellow one: I'm still on my wayㅠㅠ I will arrive in 30 minus
TalentBoo: Moon Junhui went to Pledis
The yellow one: Hul.. Unnie, are you in front of their dorm?
Explanation: You can clearly see that what's Talent Boo doing is the same as what sasaengs usually do. For your information, the yellow box is a fansite of Hoshi (High Class) who followed Seventeen to Yeoseo Island (They shot a reality show there). Seventeen didn't even know that they were going to Yeoseo Island until they got on the ship.  

The next one is MacaronShu
알수없음 (Unknown) = MacaronShu

Unknown: Ah.. You can't tell anyone about this.
Blue box: Ok
Unknown: Because no one knows about this except me right nowㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Blue box: Ok!!!
Unknown: Jisoo is going to America in Thursday
Unknown: This is something that I can't tell ㅇㅇㅋㅋㅋ
Unknown: Shua's uncle is a reporter.. ㅇㅇis close to Ten Asia, that's why (she can't tell ㅇㅇ)
Blue box: What are you talking about?
Unknown: I heard this from his uncle

Explanation: She got information that Joshua is going to America from his own uncle who is a reporter.

Unknown: 1. I'm going to sell goods in ForTen and close the fansite down. 
2. I'm going to follow Jisoo to L.A before the repackaged album comes out and then I will close down MacaronShu
Unknown: Forten is on rest
Unknown: I also want to rest MacaronShu but somehow it's too bad.. I can't rest it because I'm currently selling photobooks|
Unknown: I'm already tired (of Jisoo) so I'm going to find a new Oppa
Explanation: MacaronShu = ForTen, she put Forten on rest and she wanted to put MacaronShu on rest to but she couldn't because she had to sell photobooks.
'I'm already tired (of Jisoo) so I'm going to find a new Oppa' = She's tired of Jisoo so she's going to find another idols in the future
 MacaronShu = Forten = NCT's Ten fansite

Unknown: You all have to follow meㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
 Unknown: Ah f*ck I don't know.. If they find out then I'm going to close Forten
Unknown: I'm going to close it and sell it f*ck
Unknown: Ah f*ck I'm scaredㅠㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Unknown: I'm going to close Forten, I'm going to close it down f*ckㅠㅠ

Unknown: If Hong Jisoo is seen coming with a woman then I'm going to throw him out
Unknown: I will sell everything I have 
Unknown: I'm going back to Ten

Below is what happened when Jisoo went to LA
Unknown: 'Can't Noona take some pictures?ㅠㅠ It's because you're so pretty'
Unknown: 'I won't upload it and save it for my own collectionsㅠㅠ'
Unknown: 'Really, I won't even spread any rumourㅠㅠ'
Yellow box: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Unknown: 'Jisoo-yaㅠㅠ I followed you here because I really like youㅠㅠ I'm not going to follow you to LA'
Yellow box: (I can't see it)
Unknown: 'Can't I just follow you until the airport?ㅠㅠ If you feel comfortable then I'll leaveㅠㅠ
Unknown: I shall do something like that'
Explanation: That day MacaronShu gave a starbucks card to Jisoo in the airport without Jisoo knowing. And the plane that Jisoo took was going to transit in Japan so she told Talent Boo to stay in Japan.
 Unknown: Jisoo already back right?
Unknown: (I don't understand this part)
Unknown: He's already in his dorm?
Unknown: F*ck, (I'm going to) Kill himㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

(I posted about this yesterday)
'That Talent Boo fansite went to Ryeowook's concert, and it was prohibited to take any pictures but she still took some and even uploaded it.. Carats, stay strong!'

The screen capture of Kakao Talk with Simpson Theme is Hoshi's fansite, High Class.
High Class was the fansite who followed Seventeen to Yeoseo Island where they shot a reality show there, and she got caught. 
Since the show they were shooting is a reality show, Seventeen didn't know that they were going to Yeoseo Island until the moment they got on the ship.

HighClass, MacaronShu, and Talent Boo went together. As you can see, they are Sasaengs. Sasaengs are not fans.
And during the 'Pretty U' promotions there were some rumours about Seventeen throwing out their fanletters, the one who uploaded and spread it on Pann was Talent Boo and MacaronShu.

Kakaotalk message:
Unknown: Let's compile our collections before the comeback
Unknown: About the kids throwing out their fanletters and gifts.


Insomnia, Aquarius, All of Hoshi, Boo Loved
These four were the ones who took picture on Show Champion when Seventeen won the first time. They made those pictures as their headers.

The ones who went to YHY's Sketchbook:
Insomnia (This person didn't only take pictures and record video of Seventeen's stage, but also Dynamic Duo's)
Snow Cotton Candy
All of Hoshi
My Chan
Pleasure Seeker
 Russian Blue
Peach Tea
Comely Han

The ones who made a fuss during Seventeen's way to Music Bank:
Sparkling Moment
Comely Han
Call Vernon
Marvelous MG
All of Hoshi




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