Tuesday, July 5, 2016


These fansites..

The official schedule isn't revealed yet and they followed Seventeen.. They even took pictures of Seventeen even when they are already told not to take pictures of Seventeen.


1. [+12][-0] The schedule is already revealed around 2 weeks ago.. Those fansites were caught because of the shutter noises.. Let's just curse at them..

2. [+11][-1] The thing that matters here is the fact that they followed them even when their schedule is not officially revealed yet.. It's what sasaengs do..

3. [+2][-0] It's not a place where only Seventeen's fans come though..

4. [+0][-0] Are in they right mind or not;;

5. [+2][-0] I don't think they're following Seventeen just pure because they like Seventeen;; What are they doing.. Giving harms to the boys..

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