Seventee?? SEVENTEE??
Pledis-ya.. Shouldn't you at least know how to spell your group's name properly..
1. [+0][-0] How many times did they spell Seventeen's name incorrectly..ㅋㅋㅋ I'm getting mad
2. [+0][-0] Pledis.. It's better for you not to write anything.. Don't write anything even if it's in Hangul or English.. Just take a load of pretty pictures of them and insert a logo.. You will get less hate comments if you do so..
3. [+0][-0] Pledis has gone crazy..
4. [+0][-0] Seventee??? after Sevenleen and 1th..
5. [+0][-0] I'm not even surprised anymore now.. It makes me questioning if Pledis is actually going with a Fool Concept now.. They can use internet to check the spelling.. *sighs*
6. [+0][-0] I don't know about Sevenleen but Seventee is very noticeable.. How can they miss the N out..
7. [+0][-0] I guess Pledis is just a fool after all..