Saturday, July 2, 2016


Woozi is really a genius.. Look at this, carats.

Mansae - 'A flower called you has blossomed'
- You = flower

Pretty U - 'What will the flower petals answer to me?'
- What will you (flower petals) answer to me

Very Nice's Teaser - The members are getting heart attack as the flower petals bursted on them
- The flower petals (you) give me an answer = give me a heart attack

God-Jihoon.. Looks like this is what he's thinking while writing the songs..


1. [+10][-0] I thought they were just interested in horses.. Seems like they're also interested in flowers.

2. [+0][-0] How could someone at his age write lyrics like thatㅠㅠㅠㅠI'm getting a goosebumps.. I like it..

3. [+1][-0] If this is his actual intention.. It's amazing...

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