Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Seventeen's plagiarization

This is Seventeen

And this is Bangtan

They plagiarized it.. They did.


1. [+19][-1] Seventeen is running to the female main character in that scene.

2. [+11][-0] I'm not a fan of both group.. It's really funny to see how it's called 'plagiarization' just because they both have a running scene in their MVㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+7][-0] I'm an Army but I don't think Seventeen plagiarized it.. Leave my kids alone..

4. [+4][-1] I'm an Army.. Stop saying non-sense things.. Seventeen is releasing a new album, their fans must be feeling really nice right now. Why are you doing this..

5. [+4][-0] I'm an Army but would you like to shut up^^.. What do you think you're doing here..

6. [+4][-8] But it's kinda looks similar..

7. [+3][-0] Carats, army.. Let's ignore this post.

8. [+1][-0] It's just a running scene and you call it plagiarization..

9. [+1][-4] Who plagiarized who..

10. [+1][-0] Don't you have something  else to do?

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