Thursday, August 25, 2016


Seungkwan is so lovely..

I was looking through my Seungkwan's folder and I -once again- realized that he's so cuteㅠㅠㅠ
It's cute how he cried when Seventeen received a rookie award..
It's cute how he loves babies and kids so much..
It's cute how he can't sit with his legs crossed..
It's cute how he can't crouch..
It's cute how he has that laugh that goes 'hihi'..
It's cute that he has a pair of really round eyes..
It's cute how his face is also round..
And those derp pictures of him are really cute, especially the last one!! I really love that oneㅠㅠ
Everything about him, from his head to his toe, is so cute and lovelyㅠㅠㅠ
I'm in a trouble! I don't think I can sleep peacefully tonight..
Seungkwan-ah, I love you!!


1. [+2][-0] That's trueㅠㅠ He's so cute and lovely... And adorableㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+2][-0] Seungkwan is my lovely boy..

3. [+3][-0] Boo Seungkwan, man with thousands charmsㅠㅠ I'm sure the fact that Pledis casted him all the way in Jeju is one of God's work.. I love you, Seungkwan..

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